Church Girl,
I hear people saying you act too holy and look old fashioned
because you attend church regurlary and dress decently and
you are almost discouraged, you are about to join the ladies
who dress hot to church! Before you go ahead, calm down fes
You don't have to dress hot to look beautiful, you are not a
temperature, you are fire yourself! You don't have to look sexy
but modest! There is beauty in modesty sis, dress to preach
Jesus not to kill!
If you are not comfortable with putting on make up then its
okay! Please be yourself, no body said you must wear make up
to look peng! Care for your skin, buy a good deodorant, wear
clean clothes no matter how cheap, iron them and always put
on a smile it doesn't make you less born again
It is a serious matter that some sisters will never smile,
someone will greet you in church, instead of answering with a
smile you will answer with a frown or end up ignoring Haba!
Born again sister smiling is not a sin, please smile please!
If you like to keep natural hair then go ahead but plis wash it
when it is dirty I beg you what is smelling in church naw , if
you like to tie your hair, look for fine styles and colorful head
ties, you are a young girl not an old woman, learn to be stylish
in your simplicity!
Brother Kunle says you are acting too uptight, please tell him I
said you are not his wife, you don't have to submit or act
romantically towards him! Tell him to stop touching you, your
body is the temple of God!
Stop trying to show forth yourself or gain attention because
you are looking for a husband, keep working in the department
God placed you in and when the right man comes, he will look
for you!
Stop rendering service to God because you want to be
applauded, you want pastor to see you or you are looking for
a husband but let your service come from your heart and God
will reward you when you remain steadfast!
I know how bad it seems when you look like the only Christian
in a gathering because you look decent, simple or without
makeup, when you look old fashioned in your department or
place of work but be of good courage, they want to be like you
and they talk well about you in their closet because you are a
Don't let what they say make you feel terrible, you are a light!
Keep standing tall, being different is Beautiful!
Don't try to be like someone else, be yourself. If you like make
up then don't look like a masquerade plis apply a moderate
You are beautiful, you are loved, you are unique, you are
blessed and your service for God will not be in vain!


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